

E-commerce .NET / Angular

This application made in Angular framework 16, simulates an E-commerce website where you can purchase snow sport items. It is connected to an API built in .NET 8. In it you can test functionalities such as login, registration, item sorting, saving items in the basket, paying items among others. The payment gateway utilized in this application is Stripe, a well-known service for managing payments. There are some credit cards for testing in the checkout view if you wish to try more than one option. Find this project navigating to this link: booknet.azurewebsites.net

Social network .NET/React

Somewhat similar to facebook, in this application people can create, join and share events. It was created in react 18 connected to an API built in .NET 8. In this social network, you can test some nice features like follow or unfollow users, leave messages on posts in real-time, change the profile photo, upload new photos and much more. Try it yourself using the following link: https://reactivitynetwork-h6ewbta2f3ebcnan.brazilsouth-01.azurewebsites.net/
